interface UtxoOnlineDataProvider {
    broadcastTx(txHex): Promise<string>;
    getBalance(address, assets?): Promise<Balance[]>;
    getConfirmedUnspentTxs(address): Promise<UTXO[]>;
    getFeeRates(): Promise<FeeRates>;
    getTransactionData(txId, assetAddress?): Promise<Tx>;
    getTransactions(params): Promise<TxsPage>;
    getUnspentTxs(address): Promise<UTXO[]>;


  • OnlineDataProvider
    • UtxoOnlineDataProvider

Implemented by


  • Get the balance for a given address.


    • address: string

      The address to get the balance for.

    • Optional assets: Asset[]

      (Optional) An array of assets to get the balance for.

    Returns Promise<Balance[]>

    A promise that resolves to an array of balances.

  • Get the fee rates.

    Returns Promise<FeeRates>

    A promise that resolves to the fee rates.

  • Get transaction data based on its ID.


    • txId: string

      The ID of the transaction.

    • Optional assetAddress: string

      (Optional) The address of the asset.

    Returns Promise<Tx>

    A promise that resolves to the transaction data.

  • Get transactions based on provided parameters.


    • params: TxHistoryParams

      The parameters for fetching transactions.

    Returns Promise<TxsPage>

    A promise that resolves to a page of transactions.

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