Custom Litecoin client.


  • Client
    • Client


  • Constructs a new Client with the provided parameters.


    • params: XChainClientParams & {
          dataProviders: UtxoOnlineDataProviders[];
          explorerProviders: ExplorerProviders;
      } & {
          nodeAuth?: NodeAuth;
          nodeUrls: NodeUrls;
      } = defaultLtcParams

      The parameters for initializing the client.

    Returns Client


chain: string
dataProviders: UtxoOnlineDataProviders[]
explorerProviders: ExplorerProviders
feeBounds: FeeBounds
network: Network
nodeAuth?: NodeAuth
nodeUrls: NodeUrls
phrase: string
rootDerivationPaths: undefined | RootDerivationPaths


  • Broadcast a transaction.


    • txHex: string

      The transaction hex string.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The transaction hash.

  • Builds a Litecoin (LTC) transaction.


    • params: TxParams & {
          feeRate: number;
          sender: string;

      The transaction build options.

    Returns Promise<{
        psbt: Psbt;
        utxos: UTXO[];

    A promise that resolves to the PSBT (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction) and UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs).


    This function will eventually be removed. Use prepareTx instead.

  • Compile memo.


    • memo: string

      The memo to be compiled.

    Returns Buffer

    The compiled memo.

  • [DEPRECATED] Retrieves the address at the specified index.


    • index: number = 0

      The index of the address.

    Returns string

    The address at the specified index.


    Use getAddressAsync instead.


    Thrown when the index is less than zero.


    Thrown when the phrase has not been set.


    Thrown when the address cannot be defined.

  • Retrieves the current address asynchronously.

    Generates a network-specific key-pair by first converting the buffer to a Wallet-Import-Format (WIF) The address is then decoded into type P2WPKH and returned.


    • walletIndex: number = 0

    Returns Promise<string>

    A promise that resolves to the current address


    Thrown if phrase has not been set before.


    Thrown if failed creating account from phrase.

  • Returns information about the asset used by the client.

    Returns AssetInfo

    Information about the asset.

  • Gets balance of a given address.


    • address: string

      The address to get balances from

    • Optional _assets: Asset[]
    • Optional confirmedOnly: boolean

    Returns Promise<Balance[]>

    BTC balances

  • Get the explorer URL for a given address based on the network.


    • address: string

      The address to query.

    Returns string

    The explorer URL for the address.

  • Get the explorer URL for a given transaction ID based on the network.


    • txID: string

      The transaction ID.

    Returns string

    The explorer URL for the transaction.

  • Get the explorer URL based on the network.

    Returns string

    The explorer URL.

  • Calculates the transaction fee based on the provided UTXOs, fee rate, and optional compiled memo.


    • inputs: UTXO[]

      The The UTXOs used as inputs in the transaction.

    • feeRate: number

      The fee rate.

    • data: null | Buffer = null

      The compiled memo (Optional).

    Returns number

    The calculated fee amount.

  • Get the fee rate from the Thorchain API.

    Returns Promise<number>

    The fee rate

  • Get fee rates


    • Optional protocol: THORCHAIN

      Protocol to interact with. If there's no protocol provided, fee rates are retrieved from chain data providers

    Returns Promise<FeeRates>

    The fee rates (average, fast, fastest) in Satoshis/byte

  • Get estimated fees.


    • Optional options: FeeEstimateOptions

      Options for fee estimation.

    Returns Promise<Fees>

    Estimated fees.

  • Get estimated fees with fee rates.


    • Optional options: FeeEstimateOptions

      Options for fee estimation.

    Returns Promise<FeesWithRates>

    Estimated fees along with fee rates.

  • Get the full derivation path based on the wallet index.


    • walletIndex: number

      The HD wallet index

    Returns string

    The full derivation path

  • Private

    [PRIVATE] Retrieves the private key.

    Private function to get keyPair from the this.phrase


    • phrase: string

      The phrase used to generate the private key.

    • index: number = 0

    Returns ECPairInterface

    The privkey generated from the given phrase


    Throws an error if failed creating LTC keys from the given phrase

  • Get the current network.

    Returns Network

    The current network

  • Get the transaction details of a given transaction ID.


    • txId: string

      The transaction ID.

    Returns Promise<Tx>

    The transaction details.

  • Get the transaction history of a given address with pagination options.


    • Optional params: TxHistoryParams

      The options to get transaction history.

    Returns Promise<TxsPage>

    The transaction history.

  • Prepares a Litecoin (LTC) transaction.


    • params: TxParams & {
          feeRate: number;
          sender: string;
          spendPendingUTXO?: boolean;

      The transfer options.

    Returns Promise<PreparedTx>

    A promise that resolves to the raw unsigned transaction.

  • Purge the client by clearing the mnemonic phrase.

    Returns void

  • Broadcasts a transaction hex using a round-robin approach across multiple data providers.


    • txHex: string

      The transaction hex to broadcast.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The hash of the broadcasted transaction.


    Throws an error if no provider is able to broadcast the transaction.

  • Round-robin method to get balance from data providers. Throws error if no provider can get balance.


    • address: string

      The address to get balance for.

    Returns Promise<Balance[]>

    The balances.


    Error If no provider is able to get balance.

  • Retrieves fee rates using a round-robin approach across multiple data providers.

    Returns Promise<FeeRates>

    The fee rates (average, fast, fastest) in Satoshis/byte.


    Throws an error if no provider is able to retrieve fee rates.

  • Round-robin method to get transaction data from data providers. Throws error if no provider can get transaction data.


    • txid: string

      The transaction ID to get data for.

    Returns Promise<Tx>

    The transaction data.


    Error If no provider is able to get transaction data.

  • Round-robin method to get transactions from data providers. Throws error if no provider can get transactions.


    • params: TxHistoryParams

      The parameters for fetching transactions.

    Returns Promise<TxsPage>

    The transaction history.


    Error If no provider is able to get transactions.

  • Round-robin method to get unspent transactions from data providers. Throws error if no provider can get unspent transactions.


    • address: string

      The address to get unspent transactions for.

    • confirmed: boolean

      Flag to indicate whether to get confirmed transactions only.

    Returns Promise<UTXO[]>

    The unspent transactions.


    Error If no provider is able to get unspent transactions.

  • Scan UTXOs for a given address.


    • address: string

      The address to scan.

    • Optional confirmedOnly: boolean

      Flag to scan only confirmed UTXOs.

    Returns Promise<UTXO[]>

    The UTXOs found.

  • Set or update the current network.


    • network: Network

      The network to set

    Returns void


    Thrown if no network is provided

  • Set or update the mnemonic phrase.


    • phrase: string

      The new mnemonic phrase

    • Optional walletIndex: number

      (Optional) The HD wallet index

    Returns string

    The address derived from the provided phrase


    Thrown if an invalid mnemonic phrase is provided

  • Make a GET request to the Thorchain API.


    • endpoint: string

      The API endpoint

    Returns Promise<unknown>

    The response data

  • Transfers Litecoin (LTC) from one address to another.


    • params: TxParams & {
          feeRate?: number;

      The transfer options.

    Returns Promise<string>

    A promise that resolves to the transaction hash.

  • Validates the given Litecoin address.


    • address: string

      The Litecoin address to validate.

    Returns boolean

    true if the address is valid, false otherwise.

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