

The XCHAIN CRYPTO package is a crypto package used by all XCHAIN clients.

XCHAIN-CRYPTO encrypts a master phrase to a keystore. This keystore can then be exported to other XCHAIN wallets or stored securely.

Users can export their phrase and import them into other wallets since it is a BIP39 compatible phrase.


  • Install @xchainjs/xchain-crypto from npm
yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-crypto


xchain crypto

How xchain-crypto works
How to use xchain-crypto


yarn build


yarn test


// Crypto Constants for xchain
const cipher = 'aes-128-ctr'
const kdf = 'pbkdf2'
const prf = 'hmac-sha256'
const dklen = 32
const c = 262144
const hashFunction = 'sha256'
const meta = 'xchain-keystore'

Keystore Type

export type Keystore = {
address: string
crypto: {
cipher: string
ciphertext: string
cipherparams: {
iv: string
kdf: string
kdfparams: {
prf: string
dklen: number
salt: string
c: number
mac: string
id: string
version: number
meta: string

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